Anyone for ocean time series data?

ots is an R client to retrieve data from various ocean time series datasets, including:

  • BATS
  • HOT
  • LTER Kelp
  • UOPG
  • and lots more

Package at:


tbl_df(bats_zooplankton()$data) %>% 
  filter(sieve_size > 1000) %>% 
  group_by(cruise) %>% 
  summarise(mean_water_vol = mean(water_vol))
#> Source: local data frame [227 x 2]
#>    cruise mean_water_vol
#> 1   10067       304.2962
#> 2   10068       457.0975
#> 3   10069       712.3630
#> 4   10070       410.1900
#> 5   10071       433.7887
#> 6   10072       665.6040
#> 7   10073       818.4642
#> 8   10074      1038.6833
#> 9   10075       577.8882
#> 10  10076       659.7350
#> ..    ...            ...

Question: This package is still in development, so trying to figure out whether people want this package to continue development. So, here’s a poll:

Would you use this package? If enough yes answers, that’s a good sign we should continue

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Awesome, thanks everyone for participating in the poll! Looks like 8 votes so far, and all are YES, so let’s do this thing.

Now that you want it to move forward, if you have a few minutes, try it out, give some feedback on what features you want, surface some bugs so we can squash them, etc.