What's inside? pkginspector provides helpful tools for inspecting package contents

Authors: Sam Albers, Leonardo Collado-Torres, Mauro Lepore, Joyce Robbins, Noam Ross, Omayma Said

This post describes a project from rOpenSci unconf18. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at our unconferences, projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages.

R packages are widely used in science, yet the code behind them often does not come under scrutiny. To address this lack, rOpenSci has been a pioneer in developing a peer review process for R packages. The goal of pkginspector is to help that process by providing a means to better understand the internal structure of R packages. It offers tools to analyze and visualize the relationship among functions within a package, and to report whether or not functions’ interfaces are consistent. If you are reviewing an R package (maybe your own!), pkginspector is for you.

Read the full post here: https://ropensci.org/blog/2018/07/17/pkginspector/