What are Your Use Cases for rOpenSci Tools and Resources?

Author: Stefanie Butland @stefanie

"We want to know how you use rOpenSci packages and resources so we can give them, their developers, and your examples more visibility.

It’s valuable to both users and developers of a package to see how it has been used “in the wild”. This goes a long way to encouraging people to keep up development knowing there are others who appreciate and build on their work. This also helps people imagine how they might use a package to address their research question, and provides some code to give them a head-start.

We have a dedicated Use Cases category in our public discussion forum and we encourage you to browse and add to it. As of September 2019, there are > 50 use cases, covering > 30 packages. More than half of these have been added by community members. These complement the > 800 citations of our tools in published works."

Read the full post to learn how to share your use cases: https://ropensci.org/blog/2019/10/15/use-cases/