Share rOpenSci package citations plz

We collect uses of rOpenSci packages, particularly scholarly works (i.e., journal articles, preprints, etc.), but blog posts and talks, etc. are also good to know about. This is useful for us, but we’ll also incorporate this information into our website soon, so anyone can see what people do in the real world with rOpenSci packages.

For journal articles, we maintain these in a database that’s updated occasionally. You can see what citations we have for each package in our API. e…g, citaitons for rgbif is - for rfishbase the call would be p.s. the API code is at

We scour the internet for these, mainly letting Google Scholar do the work. However, we’d love your help! Some packages have names that are not in a dictionary, and so are easy to find on the internet, but others are common words, and so are needles in a large haystack.

Our simple ask is to let us know whenever you see a paper/talk/blog post about an rOpenSci package. Email me, drop a line here about it, tweet at us, whatevs. Thanks!

Thank you!!! :smile:

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Dave and I are using/discussing gutenbergr in our book on text minining (being officially announced in the next few days). The section with the first discussion of gutenbergr and the link to its tutorial is here:


Thanks so much @juliasilge ! Will include this, and congrats on the book

Not real use cases but riem in and it’s used as example of an API package in the Coursera course about the R programming environment (from Brooke Anderson, Sean Kross and Roger Peng) :blush:

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Thanks @maelle - this is great, thanks for sharing!

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Now use cases by me :grinning:



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Citation of the traits package … see fig 2

LeBauer, D., Kooper, R., Mulrooney, P., Rohde, S., Wang, D., Long, S. P., & Dietze, M. C. (2017). betydb: a yield, trait, and ecosystem service database applied to second‐generation bioenergy feedstock production. GCB Bioenergy.

Awesome, thanks much @dlebauer

Will include this in our citations list and the API , here’s what we got now for traits

Hi again :wave:

I’ve create a github repository at where you can help us keep track of uses of rOpenSci software by opening issues and providing links.etc.

Use Case
How to do Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of non-English documents in R using Tesseract?

by Shirin Glander

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thanks @stefanie for the link !

Added this to

rentrez package in PeerJ preprint: rentrez: An R package for the NCBI eUtils API by David Winter August 23, 2017

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Thanks for this @stefanie !