How can I find out more about the infrastructure behind ropenSci?

Hi ropensci.

I am looking to emulate the worklow that rOpenSci uses with such great effect, for a public sector team as a way of validating our analyses once scripted. It would hopefully use the same peer review process you have. Where can I read more about how you set rOpenSci up and the infrastructure behind it?

Thanks for such a great resource by the way. Truly wonderful!

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Thanks for your question.

To clarify what you’re asking, are you interested in the organization rOpenSci? Or only the software review that we do?

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Hi @sebastiz. In case it’s rOpenSci software review that you’re specifically interested in, I’ll chime in with some resources that might answer initial questions.

This page is a good start:
Here’s the video of a Community Call we did on the subject:

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@sebastiz Thanks for reaching out. This is a fantastic question. We haven’t written much about the nuts and bolts of our infrastructure set up yet. Many parts of the workflow are manual and we are slowly working to automate as much of it as possible. One way to learn how the current set up works is to read the excellent Develop guide to our software review process (spearheaded by Maëlle Salmon):

You may also be interested in a higher level review (sadly there are no details of the infrastructure itself) of the motivation behind our software review process: If you don’t have access to IEEE, please email me (karthik at ropensci) and I’ll send you a copy.