weathercan: Exploring extreme weather events in my neighbourhood

rOpenSci Package used


Use Case – Blog Posts in GitHub

Weather with weathercan
When You Miss the Target
a script with a final, better datavis option


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Thank you for sharing this great example @stephhazlitt

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Nice example, thanks for sharing @stephhazlitt

What are the two diagonal lines going? Do those mark SW and SE?

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That is a great question—they are intermediate gridlines but why not the other two (NE and NW)? If I set theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) they disappear.

Makes sense, thanks for that

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About the time I started learning rstats I also learned about the draw backs of the pie chart — I think this is the first circle plot I have made in ggplot2!

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I really the the plot, srsly!

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