Using `get` in `tar_target` command parameter does not track the underlying function

Dear All,

I’m trying (and getting a very hard time) to use “targets” to improve an existing R-code.
I’m a newbie on targets… so you must bear some patience with me :slight_smile:

The process heavily depends on a programming pattern that (apparently… or is just my lack of knowledge :slight_smile: ) is not supported/handled by target.

As an example, suppose we have two files, each with his own read function. (Important: This is usually read from a configuration file during script run). Typically this will be a variable on global env

fd_read <- data.frame(
  fnme    = c("file1.csv", "file2.xlsx"),
  rd_func = c("read.csv", "read.xlsx")

(Important2: The above functions are from packages, but typically they are custom.)

Now… (and its here the things go off rails!!) in targets pipeline I can define the files as a target using (static or dynamic) branching and even execute the read.

fd_read <- data.frame(
  fnme    = c("file1.csv", "file2.xlsx"),
  rd_func = c("read.csv", "read.xlsx")

             command = as.character(fd_read[which(the_files == fd_read$fname), "rd_func"]),
             pattern = map(the_files)
             command = get(the_func)(fd  = the_files),
             pattern = map(the_func, the_files)

This seems to work fine… but it doesn´t.

Problem: If a function (e.g “read.csv”) is changed targets does not re-run the pipeline. It seems that “getting” the functions by name makes them outside the tracking of targets.

I tried multiple variations to this (including creating a special environment for these functions…in which case targets identify all functions as always changed), but in no situation I was able to get the correct result:

  1. If a file change: run the specific read o that file.
  2. If a read function changes: run the read of all files that use that function.
    Thank you very much in advance for any help.
    Best Regards.

To build the dependency graph, targets looks for global symbols in commands and functions. This is a process called “static code analysis”. The codetools package does most of the heavy lifting, and it’s not possible to handle all edge cases such as get(). Functions tar_deps() and tar_visnetwork() can help, as described at Using `get` in `tar_target` command parameter does not track the underlying function.