Given the new availability of Phylocom in R (, we can now make using Phylomatic in our brranching
package a much better experience. Before we required users to venture out into the web, download Phylomatic, and install it themselves. That version of Phylomatic requires awk
or gawk
which are not straight-forward to install and use across operating systems.
Phylomatic is also available in Phylocom as it turns out. The interface is slightly different though, so we can’t expose the same interface as we did to the other Phylomatic.
We have a draft function in brranching
, see brranching::phylomatic_local2()
this will also install phylocomr
from github if you don’t have it already
Example usage
Get a list of 200 plant taxon names
spp <- names_list("species", 200)
#> Phylogenetic tree with 178 tips and 129 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#> paspalum_reclinatum, eragrostis_longiramea, bromus_brevis, muhlenbergia_brandegeei, schizostachyum_undulatum, digitaria_curvinervis, ...
#> Node labels:
#> euphyllophyte, seedplants, magnoliales_to_asterales, poales_to_asterales, , , ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.
Using the new interface to phylocomr
, lets use Phylomatic with the default stored tree R20120829
(tree <- phylomatic_local2(spp))
plot(, no.margin = TRUE, show.tip.label = FALSE)
We’ll continue to write tests and more examples for the new interface to Phylomatic, so things may change a bit. In addition, we’ll rename brranching::phylomatic_local2()
to brranching::phylomatic_local()
which will replace the current version in the package.
let us know
Let us know if you have any problems with brranching
, have feature requests, etc.