On editor’s radar so if the above don’t work, they are flagged. I think doing this at end of review is fine, as the contents of these files would likely change over the course of review.
We’re covering a lot of FORCE11 principles in general. Some that we could do more on are:
Making sure citations cite a version of the package - CITATION/codemeta/README files should include versions, as should our review badges.
Including author identifiers - promoting use of author ORCiDs more. Author roles are in good shape.
Archiving - eventually making sure all RO packages go to a scientific repository, not just JOSS packages.
also recommend the creation of a CITATION file. usethis::use_citation() helper isn’t enough. Should we work on a helper function in rodev? Any good models of CITATION files?
how does one keep CITATION up-to-date? We could add it to our guidance about releases, other ideas?
the explanation of DOIs/archiving should ideally come before recommending CITATION files but the section about package metadata comes quite early in the packaging guide. Would a sentence or two in that section be enough? Any particular recommendation for these two sentences @noamross?
We don’t have a new tool for automatic checks at the moment so checking codemeta.json and CITATION are present and correct so I’ve only filed an issue so we don’t forget.
@adamhsparks example looks great! Though I think ideally the second bibentry (Manual, for the package itself) would also have the version and possibly the Zenodo DOI). Still Adam’s example is notably better than any of mine, including codemetar which you might think would at least have a CITATION file and a JOSS badge…
@cboettig, the second, Manual, bib entry and text version do have the version number, see the note field. However, as you noted, it is lacking the DOI. I could however point to the base DOI that Zenodo hands out.
Personally, I take a “belt-and-suspenders” approach and still put citation things in the README. The GH repo, rather than the docs page, is still often the main landing page that people read before downloading and using a package. (I have no data on this, it’s true for me ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )