Hi @kgturner - yep, you can most def get those fields in rgbif
e.g., try http://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/918957709 , which gives
key: 918957709,
datasetKey: "07fd0d79-4883-435f-bba1-58fef110cd13",
publishingOrgKey: "b542788f-0dc2-4a2b-b652-fceced449591",
publishingCountry: "CA",
protocol: "DWC_ARCHIVE",
lastCrawled: "2014-06-18T18:19:41.557+0000",
lastParsed: "2014-06-18T18:19:41.597+0000",
extensions: { },
taxonKey: 3128962,
kingdomKey: 6,
phylumKey: 49,
classKey: 220,
orderKey: 414,
familyKey: 3065,
genusKey: 3127469,
scientificName: "Centaurea diffusa Lam.",
kingdom: "Plantae",
phylum: "Magnoliophyta",
order: "Asterales",
family: "Asteraceae",
genus: "Centaurea",
genericName: "Centaurea",
specificEpithet: "diffusa",
taxonRank: "SPECIES",
dateIdentified: "2009-12-31T23:00:00.000+0000",
decimalLongitude: -123.25143,
decimalLatitude: 49.26304,
stateProvince: "British Columbia",
year: 2010,
month: 2,
day: 18,
eventDate: "2010-02-17T23:00:00.000+0000",
issues: [
modified: "2012-02-29T23:00:00.000+0000",
lastInterpreted: "2014-06-18T18:21:15.861+0000",
references: "http://bridge.botany.ubc.ca/herbarium/details.php?db=vwsp.fmp12&layout=vwsp_web_details&recid=195355&ass_num=V232687",
identifiers: [ ],
facts: [ ],
relations: [ ],
geodeticDatum: "WGS84",
class: "Magnoliopsida",
countryCode: "CA",
country: "Canada",
recordNumber: "RU008-16K",
rights: "http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ & http://www.canadensys.net/norms",
rightsHolder: "University of British Columbia",
type: "PhysicalObject",
identifiedBy: "K.G. Turner",
catalogNumber: "V232687",
recordedBy: "K.G. Turner, K. Nurkowski",
bibliographicCitation: "Centaurea diffusa Lam. (UBC V232687)",
preparations: "mounted",
collectionID: "urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:15106",
nomenclaturalCode: "ICBN",
previousIdentifications: "Centaurea diffusa by K.G. Turner 2010",
verbatimSRS: "unknown",
occurrenceID: "153925",
ownerInstitutionCode: "University of British Columbia",
collectionCode: "UBC",
occurrenceRemarks: "Seed collected: 1119, 2006, A. Shipunov, Pjatigorsk City Russia, N43Ëš3'36'' E44Ëš3'0'', no alt, 1 sheet, white flowers. Voucher for a survey of phenotypic variation across the native and invaded ranges, in a common environment.",
gbifID: "918957709",
habitat: "Greenhouse Conditions, 16 hr days, water every third day",
institutionCode: "University of British Columbia",
datasetID: "http://dataset.canadensys.net/ubc-vascular-specimens",
datasetName: "University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection",
locality: "Vancouver, University of British Columbia Horticultural Greenhouse, 6394 Stores Road University of British Columbia",
language: "en",
identifier: "153925"
Or in rgbif
occ_get(918957709, fields = "all")$data
name key decimalLatitude decimalLongitude issues
1 Centaurea 918957709 49.26304 -123.2514 cdround,gass84,gdativ
datasetKey publishingOrgKey publishingCountry protocol
1 07fd0d79-4883-435f-bba1-58fef110cd13 b542788f-0dc2-4a2b-b652-fceced449591 CA DWC_ARCHIVE
lastCrawled lastParsed extensions basisOfRecord taxonKey
1 2014-06-18T18:19:41.557+0000 2014-06-18T18:19:41.597+0000 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN 3128962
kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey scientificName kingdom phylum
1 6 49 220 414 3065 3127469 Centaurea diffusa Lam. Plantae Magnoliophyta
order family genus genericName specificEpithet taxonRank dateIdentified
1 Asterales Asteraceae Centaurea Centaurea diffusa SPECIES 2009-12-31T23:00:00.000+0000
stateProvince year month day eventDate modified
1 British Columbia 2010 2 18 2010-02-17T23:00:00.000+0000 2012-02-29T23:00:00.000+0000
1 2014-06-18T18:21:15.861+0000
1 http://bridge.botany.ubc.ca/herbarium/details.php?db=vwsp.fmp12&layout=vwsp_web_details&recid=195355&ass_num=V232687
identifiers facts relations geodeticDatum class countryCode country recordNumber
1 none none none WGS84 Magnoliopsida CA Canada RU008-16K
1 http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ & http://www.canadensys.net/norms
rightsHolder type identifiedBy catalogNumber recordedBy
1 University of British Columbia PhysicalObject K.G. Turner V232687 K.G. Turner, K. Nurkowski
bibliographicCitation preparations collectionID nomenclaturalCode
1 Centaurea diffusa Lam. (UBC V232687) mounted urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:15106 ICBN
previousIdentifications verbatimSRS occurrenceID ownerInstitutionCode
1 Centaurea diffusa by K.G. Turner 2010 unknown 153925 University of British Columbia
1 Seed collected: 1119, 2006, A. Shipunov, Pjatigorsk City Russia, N43˚3'36'' E44˚3'0'', no alt, 1 sheet, white flowers. Voucher for a survey of phenotypic variation across the native and invaded ranges, in a common environment.
gbifID habitat institutionCode
1 918957709 Greenhouse Conditions, 16 hr days, water every third day University of British Columbia
1 http://dataset.canadensys.net/ubc-vascular-specimens
1 University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
1 Vancouver, University of British Columbia Horticultural Greenhouse, 6394 Stores Road University of British Columbia
language identifier
1 en 153925