Reference handling with Rdpack triggers warnings in pkgcheck()

I’m developing a package in which I have quite a lot of references to scientific papers. I use Rdpack to manage these references. In particular, I have a file “inst/REFERENCES.bib” in which I have all references in BibTeX format, and I insert citations into the roxygen2 documentation with commands like “\insertCite{bib-key}{galamm}”.

All of this works well with R CMD check, but when I do “pkgcheck::pkgcheck()”, every single reference triggers an warning about unknown macro. One example is this:

1: In tools::parse_Rd(i) :
/Users/oyss/code/galamm/man/anova.galamm.Rd:40: unknown macro ‘\insertRef’

So my question is: Is this intentional, i.e., should reference handling with Rdpack be avoided if submitting to rOpenSci, or can these warnings be ignored?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks @osorensen, we’d be happy and able to modify our system so it didn’t issue warnings for non-standard .Rd files like those. Could you please open an issue on the pkgcheck repository and we’ll fix things up on our side so you can submit.

Thanks for the answer, @mpadge, I’ll open an issue.