Hi everyone, I was asked to share this here. I used the ochRe package to slot my own colour palette in for my thesis plots.
rOpenSci package or resource used*
What did you do?
I wanted to define a colour scheme to use throughout my Masters thesis. The scheme is also used for plots, diagrams and presentation slides, and is inspired by a French fashion brand called Jacquemus. I became sick of porting these palettes around different script files so I decided to make a package. I heard about ochRe when it was released and used it a couple of times, and liked how it was very simple and functional. I simply downloaded the ochRe script files and used them to make a package, only changing a few things. I made a qualitative palette, a diverging palette and three gradient palettes.
URL or code snippet for your use case*
Here is an example using the qualitative palette.
Field(s) of application
Mathematical and computational biology, disease modelling, Bayesian statistics
Twitter handle