NCEAS Data Science Fellowship

I am posting to advertise the announcement of the Data Science Fellows Program at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), located in downtown Santa Barbara. NCEAS, a global leader in ecological research, is seeking recent graduates from masters and doctoral programs to participate on our Data Team as Fellows. Successful applicants will receive a stipend for living expenses and compensation for travel to Santa Barbara from within the US. We offer two six-month sessions starting in early January and July, respectively. Data Science Fellows will be in residence at NCEAS for one or both of the sessions, and will work closely with data and informatics teams to solve data, analysis, and software issues relating to environmental science. Applications for the first round are due September 1st. This is an exciting opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of data and data skills while working with a group of peers passionate about environmental and data science.

Please find more details here.

Thank you! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Jesse Goldstein

Projects Data Coordinator
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
University of California, Santa Barbara | 760 812-0033

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