The use cases section looks really useful. I will probably be using something similar to the ‘Get Distribution map of Quercus lobata’ use case to map GBIF data for IUCN RedList-assessed plant species.
I love the line: “In fact, the rgbif package has already been used in 22 scholarly publications” – fantastic. Perhaps you should cite those papers though. It would be useful for readers to be able to see how others have used rgbif in practice.
Minor things:
(All the line numbers are with reference to the PDF draft)
line 122 “When you hit a “large dataset” will…”
Although it’s convenient shorthand slang I don’t think it’s clear what ‘hit’ means in this context. Perhaps use clearer, less informal language i.e. “If you execute a query for which more than 200,000 records match…”
line 136 “…whereas you can not do that in the occurrence search API”
suggest ‘cannot’ in place of can not.
line 177 “Get only those occurrences with spatial issues”
What is a spatial issue? I can guess but honestly I’m not sure. Some explanation for those not intimately familiar with GBIF would be helpful here.
Right, will explain that. They are occurrences that have some sort of note from GBIF about the occurrence, e.g., see the issues key in [quote=“rmounce, post:2, topic:290”]
??? Incomplete / leftover sentence?