Exception to ROxygen2 use in packages


I’ve been using pkgcheck as a guide for formatting a package i’ve been working on, and I had a question about the Roxygen2 use requirement. My package uses Roxygen2 to generate documentation, with the exception of the NAMESPACE file. For some reason when I let my code generate the NAMESPACE file it fails to include any of the export() lines. So I’ve just manually edited it. My package fails the Roxygen2 check, so would it be rejected if I tried to submit to rOpenSci?

:wave: Hi Eric, thanks for posting!

If there’s a technical or architectural reason for your package to not use Roxygen for NAMESPACE we would make an exception. However, this sounds like it is likely bug to fix (possibly in Roxygen2 itself or your workflow) than a fundamental limitation. Perhaps you could share more detail about the issue and a link to your package and someone could help with the problem.


I’d misremembered. It was failing to add import statements, even with the package on my Import list and the specific functions called as pkg::function. I was able to use @ImportFrom statements to correct it.