When Standards Go Wild part 2: Using rOpenSci Software Peer Review Guidelines for Teaching

Author: Tiffany Timbers

In this post, Dr Timbers describes how instructors and students in the University of British Columbia’s Master of Data Science program use the rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review guide in their work and assessment.

“We think that by using the … guide in our Collaborative Software Development course … we can better teach our students how to create high quality software packages, and expose them to the idea of package review in hopes that they will embrace this culture when they create their own Data Science software packages out in the wild in their future careers. Although this guide was not intended/built for an educational use case, we have found it is very useful for our Collaborative Software Development course.”

Read the full post to learn how, and to find the open syllabus and resources for the course: https://ropensci.org/blog/2019/08/27/software-peer-review-guidelines-for-teaching/