What initiatives and organizations in North America advocate for or support researchers and trainees in the development and practice of open science?
My question pertains to funding and training for Open Science in Neuroscience and Psychophysiology research. Before a manuscript is re-submitted (Garrett-Ruffin, et al, 2020) I would like to provide a list or table of specific resources and links to direct readers toward helpful communities with solutions to their challenges. I’m hoping that members of rOpenSci might have suggestions for avenues that I might have overlooked. (By the way, I’ll be glad to reorganize responses to this topic, including my own, into a table or clickable resource.)
For example, rOpenSci and U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) represent the gamut of specificity for my question. rOpenSci is an exemplar for advocacy, contributing operational solutions and community support. ORI is involved in advocacy to a limited extent through funding, initiatives, and guidelines.
However, (paradigm) change requires a gradient of incentive along many points of access to adopt better scientific practices. Cost of change, institutional momentum, and the insular nature of domain knowledge require a consortium of diverse solutions, common goals, and allied interests. Furthermore, even in the realm of development there are parallel approaches in terms of programming language (Regarding the manuscript, our discipline gravitates toward Matlab and more recently Python, but in my opinion R communities presently offer the best towards accessibility, inclusivity, transparency). My goal is to define categories of support for open science and some examples of organizations who offer them. It also appears to me that there are differences in the visibility and coordination of organizations in Europe compared to North America.
Please indicate in what capacity an organization advocates for open science if the scope is narrow. (Also, please suggest how I can better frame my question if it lacks proper formatting or required details.)
Thanks in advance!
-Ryan Mears
Garrett-Ruffin, S., Hindash, A. C., Kaczkurkin, A. N., Mears, R. P., Muriel, S. M., Paul, K., … Keil, A. (2020, November 19). Open Science in Psychophysiology: An Overview of Challenges and Emerging Solutions. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ryspq