I recently saw a tweet by David Robinson that mentioned the humanize Python library:
It would be neat to have an R pkg like this to generate snippets of output text with inline R code in R Markdown.
Also relevant is this .NET library, GitHub - Humanizr/Humanizer: Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities, which looks a bit more comprehensive. And there are a bunch of JS libraries that look relevant:
- GitHub - milanvrekic/JS-humanize: A JS library for adding a “human touch” to data.
- GitHub - HubSpot/humanize: A simple utility library for making the web more humane. #hubspot-open-source
- GitHub - component/humanize-number: Humanize a number 1000000.99 -> 1,000,000.99
- https://github.com/EvanHahn/HumanizeDuration.js
- https://github.com/sindresorhus/humanize-string