Is there a document describing the steps a maintainer should take to carry out maintainer tasks like creating releases, pushing to CRAN, etc? I ask because I am not sure how much of the package updating process is automated and I am worried about somehow breaking the system (rOpenSci News, pkg announcments, etc.) by departing from standard process.
Thanks for your question!
The closest thing we have is
Have you seen it?
- rOpenSci news: i maintain a registry in JSON of ropensci pkgs at and use an R client at that interacts with the registry, to summarise what new packages we have, and new versions we have.
- pkg announcements: do you mean on Twitter? if so, we mostly do those for pkgs we maintain ourselves as we of course know when a new version goes out. We should definitely do a better job of announcing when there’s new versions of community maintained pkgs. Although it’s hacky, a least in the short term i can perhaps set up an IFTTT/zapier thing to notify me when there’s any new versions of ropensci pkgs on cran via cranberries or perhaps via API
- releases/news: We do cover news and releases here Any way we can improve this?
Great information! I think I understand now. Thanks!
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