I’m using the rnaturalearth and rnaturalearthdata packages a lot for plotting all sorts of data on maps. All different groups are easy for visualizing subsets of data.
Besides these polygons there are 60-something other columns available with a lot of useful information. I’m looking for a description of these other columns. Is this available somewhere?
Eg. the income_grp column. What do these 5 different values mean?
On Gapminder - income levels there is something similar available, but with just 4 different values.
I have no preference for either one split in income as long as I’m able to explain it to others what I used in my plots.
Does anyone know this?
I found through the link provided by the packageauthor Andy South more details from the Worldbank: Worldbank - how it classifies countries.
The first link on this page brings you to the databank with World Developement Indicators where you can view all sorts of data.
But there is a download to an Exelsheet with historical income data as well. This shows yearly income figures which compare reasonably well with the daily income figure provided by Gapminder.
Gapminder uses as separators between the 4 groups $2, $8 and $32. The 2019 figures of the Worldbank (rounded to whole numbers) as daily income are $3, $11 and $34.