How do you review code that accompanies a research project or paper? Help rOpenSci plan a Community Call

Thanks for the great community call today! As promised, a quick post about code review as part of the peer review process of journal articles. Code Ocean is piloting code review with Nature currently, you can find some details here:; and the perspective of our developer advocate, Seth Green, on the code review process here:

Generally speaking, the code review process is as follows:

  1. Authors upload a working copy of their code to Code Ocean.
  2. Code Ocean verifies that the code runs and delivers results.
  3. Code Ocean provides Nature editors with a private link (blinded or unblinded) to the code capsule for peer review of the code.
  4. Once the code and article are approved by reviewers, Code Ocean will mint a DOI and include a link to the article in the metadata.
  5. Nature includes a link or embed the Code Ocean widget in the the article.
  6. Nature readers will be able to run code and reproduce the results associated with an article by simply clicking a button, as well as edit the code or test it with new data and parameters.