My comment may not be a direct answer to this issue but perhaps of consideration in further development. I came out with an own package called biblio (translated from the Greek as “book”, unfortunately its plural is “biblia”, which is also the Spanish word for Bible… but this is a different story ).
I wrote the package with following aims:
A quick and dirty approach to read and write bib-files (for big databases it is faster than bib2df).
Ensure compatibility with the software JabRef, which I use as reference manager
Retrieve citations from Rmarkdown documents, which I use to produce subsets of my database with only cited references.
Sync with a database stored in Postgres, which is done by the package biblioDB
I was thinking to do a review on further R packages suitable for managing references in R (perhaps a potential publication? ) and I realized that none of them where providing functions to convert own objects into the class bibentry from package utils, which should be considered as secure way for intercompatibility…