Statistical Software: Regression and Supervised Learning

We now have preliminary drafts of both general standards for statistical software, and specific extensions into a few initial categories - Regression, Bayesian and Monte Carlo, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Time Series. We would very much appreciate any feedback, comments, suggestions, improvements to any and all of the current standards. Everybody is encouraged to peruse the single “master” document in bookdown form, and to provide feedback in increasing orders of formality in one or more of the following ways:

  1. The #stats-peer-review slack channel
  2. The relevant sections of the
    discussion forum
  3. The github repository for the “master” document, either via issues for general discussion, or pull requests for more concrete improvements.

Note that we anticipate some degree of “shuffling” between general and category-specific standards, much of which will be deferred until we have developed standards for all of our anticipated categories. There is thus one and only one form of comment for which we are currently not seeking feedback, which is comments regard whether category-specific standard X might be better considered general standard Y - that will be worked out later.

Looking forward to any and all feedback from anybody interested in helping to create our system for peer reviewing statistical software. Without further ado, the relevant standards follow immediately below.

Standards for Regression And Supervised Learning Software

This document details standards for Regression and Supervised Learning Software. Common purposes of Regression and Supervised Learning Software – referred to from here on for simplicity as “Regression Software” – are to fit models to estimate relationships or to make predictions between specified inputs and outputs. Regression Software includes tools with inferential or predictive foci, Bayesian, frequentist, or probability-free Machine Learning (ML) approaches, parametric or or non-parametric approaches, discrete outputs (such as in classification tasks) or continuous outputs, and models and algorithms specific to applications or data such as time series or spatial data. In many cases other standards specific to these subcategories may apply.

The following standards are divided among several sub-categories, with each standard prefixed with “RE”.

1. Input data structures and validation

  • RE1.0 Regression Software should enable models to be specified via a formula interface, unless reasons for not doing so are explicitly documented.
  • RE1.1 Regression Software should document how formula interfaces are converted to matrix representations of input data. See Max Kuhn’s RStudio blog post for examples.
  • RE1.2 Regression Software should document expected format (types or classes) for inputting predictor variables, including descriptions of types or classes which are not accepted; for example, specification that software accepts only numeric inputs in vector or matrix form, or that all inputs must be in data.frame form with both column and row names.
  • RE1.3 Regression Software should explicitly document any aspects of input data (such as row names) which are not used in model construction.
  • RE1.4 Regression Software should document any assumptions made with regard to input data; for example distributional assumptions, or assumptions that predictor data have mean values of zero. Implications of violations of these assumptions should be both documented and tested.

2. Pre-processing and Variable Transformation

  • RE2.0 Regression Software should document any transformations applied to input data, for example conversion of label-values to factor, and should provide ways to explicitly avoid any default transformations (with error or warning conditions where appropriate).
  • RE2.1 Regression Software should implement explicit parameters controlling the processing of missing values, ideally distinguishing NA or NaN values from Inf values (for example, through use of na.omit() and related functions from the stats package).
  • RE2.2 Regression Software should provide different options for processing missing values in predictor and response data. For example, it should be possible to fit a model with no missing predictor data in order to generate values for all associated response points, even where submitted response values may be missing.
  • RE2.3 Where applicable, Regression Software should enable data to be centred (for example, through converting to zero-mean equivalent values; or to z-scores) or offset (for example, to zero-intercept equivalent values) via additional parameters, with the effects of any such parameters clearly documented and tested.
  • RE2.4 Regression Software should implement pre-processing routines to identify whether aspects of input data are perfectly collinear, notably including:
    • RE2.4a Perfect collinearity among predictor variables
    • RE2.4b Perfect collinearity between independent and dependent variables

These pre-processing routines should also be tested as described below.

3. Algorithms

The following standards apply to the model fitting algorithms of Regression Software which implements or relies on iterative algorithms which are expected to converge to generate model statistics. Regression Software which implements or relies on iterative convergence algorithms should:

  • RE3.0 Issue appropriate warnings or other diagnostic messages for models which fail to converge.
  • RE3.1 Enable such messages to be optionally suppressed, yet should ensure that the resultant model object nevertheless includes sufficient data to identify lack of convergence.
  • RE3.2 Ensure that convergence thresholds have sensible default values, demonstrated through explicit documentation.
  • RE3.3 Allow explicit setting of convergence thresholds, unless reasons against doing so are explicitly documented.

4. Return Results

  • RE4.0 Regression Software should return some form of “model” object, generally through using or modifying existing class structures for model objects (such as lm, glm, or model objects from other packages), or creating a new class of model objects.
  • RE4.1 Regression Software may enable an ability to generate a model object without actually fitting values. This may be useful for controlling batch processing of computationally intensive fitting algorithms.

4.1 Accessor Methods

Regression Software should provide functions to access or extract as much of the following kinds of model data as possible or practicable. Access should ideally rely on class-specific methods which extend, or implement otherwise equivalent versions of, the methods from the stats package which are named in parentheses in each of the following standards.

The model objects should include, or otherwise enable effectively immediate access to,

  • RE4.2 Model coefficients (via coeff() / coefficients())
  • RE4.3 Confidence intervals on those coefficients (via confint())
  • RE4.4 The specification of the model, generally as a formula (via formula())
  • RE4.5 Numbers of observations submitted to model (via nobs())
  • RE4.6 The variance-covariance matrix of the model parameters (via vcov())
  • RE4.7 Where appropriate, convergence statistics

Regression Software should provide simple and direct methods to return or otherwise access the following form of data and metadata, where the latter includes information on any transformations which may have been applied to the data prior to submission to modelling routines.

  • RE4.8 Response variables, and associated “metadata” where applicable.
  • RE4.9 Modelled values of response variables.
  • RE4.10 Model Residuals, including sufficient documentation to enable interpretation of residuals, and to enable users to submit residuals to their own tests.
  • RE4.11 Goodness-of-fit and other statistics associated such as effect sizes with model coefficients.
  • RE4.12 Where appropriate, functions used to transform input data, and associated inverse transform functions.

Regression software may provide simple and direct methods to return or otherwise access the following:

  • RE4.13 Predictor variables, and associated “metadata” where applicable.

4.2 Extrapolation and Forecasting

  • RE4.14 Where Regression Software is intended to, or can, be used to extrapolate or forecast values, values should also be provided for extrapolation or forecast errors.
  • RE4.15 Sufficient documentation and/or testing should be provided to demonstrate that forecast errors, confidence intervals, or equivalent values increase with forecast horizons.

4.3 Reporting Return Results

  • RE4.16 Model objects returned by Regression Software should implement or appropriately extend a default print method which provides an on-screen summary of model (input) parameters and (output) coefficients.
  • RE4.17 Regression Software may also implement summary methods for model objects, and in particular should implement distinct summary methods for any cases in which calculation of summary statistics is computationally non-trivial (for example, for bootstrapped estimates of confidence intervals).

5. Documentation

Beyond the general standards for documentation, Regression Software should explicitly describe the following aspects, and ideally provide extended documentation including graphical output:

  • RE5.0 Scaling relationships between sizes of input data (numbers of observations, with potential extension to numbers of variables/columns) and speed of algorithm.

6. Visualization

  • RE6.0 Model objects returned by Regression Software (see RE3.0) should have default plot methods, either through explicit implementation, extension of methods for existing model objects, or through ensuring default methods work appropriately.
  • RE6.1 The default plot method should produce a plot of the fitted values of the model, with optional visualisation of confidence intervals or equivalent.
  • RE6.2 Where a model object is used to generate a forecast (for example, through a predict() method), the default plot method should provide clear visual distinction between modelled (interpolated) and forecast (extrapolated) values.

7. Testing

Tests for Regression Software should include the following conditions and cases:

  • RE7.0 Tests with noiseless, exact relationships between predictor (independent) data.
    • RE7.0a In particular, these tests should confirm that model fitting is at least as fast or (preferably) faster than testing with equivalent noisy data (see RE2.4a).
  • RE7.1 Tests with noiseless, exact relationships between predictor (independent) and response (dependent) data.
    • RE7.1a In particular, these tests should confirm that model fitting is at least as fast or (preferably) faster than testing with equivalent noisy data (see RE2.4b).