Screencasts test run

Hi all :smile:

We’ve been meaning to make screencasts for quite a while now.

We have a somewhat oldish taxize screencast up and a draft jekyll site for the video and the code that was run through in the video

A few questions:

  • Does this format seem useful? That is, the video, then the code you can use to follow along
  • Anything you’d change with the video?
  • Anything you’d change with the code/text provided below the video?

Note that that video is not a final video for taxize, gonna get more better. Also note that this URL ( may not be the final home for screencasts - though the videos will be on Vimeo.

thx! S

Hi @sckott,

I really liked the format! I think it is very useful (and helpful) to have the video and then the code right below it. I’d love to see other screencasts!

– Gabriela

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Thanks for the feedback @gabidequeiroz !

Glad it is useful - definitely encouragement to work on more.

I thought maybe it’s a bit silly to have videos on separate web page - why not just Vimeo - but that kind of sucks to have to send people somewhere else to go get code examples when instead we can just have it all in one place.